5 ways to Cope With Anxiety That Doesn’t Let You Sleep

5 ways to Cope With Anxiety That Doesn’t Let You Sleep


This article has been researched and written by Arelang Naturals® in-house writers.

Anxiety has become a precursor to modern-day lifestyles. Some things can make us panic and paralyze us from functioning normally. Most of us get extremely anxious around bedtime - thinking about the day that just went, the days to come, and sometimes about something that happened 15 years ago. The smallest of things could sit on your mind for days and mostly nights. This can manifest in the form of sleepless nights, waking up in the middle of the night in a state of panic, and waking up tired in the morning. And ofcourse, this doesn't end here. A lack of quality sleep comes with a host of physical and health issues. So how to relax the mind to sleep?

Anxiety and sleep have always been interconnected. It could be a work deadline, something someone said to you, or something you said to someone and all these could lead to you being unable to sleep due to anxiety. But all of these can be worked through.

Setting a bedtime routine for yourself can help control triggers and anxiety. Here are 5 things to do each day on how to relax the mind to sleep:

    1. Unwind: The process of unwinding must start as early as late evening. With the work-from-home culture, we forget when to cut off. We tend to work our way through the day and forget that we need to focus on things outside of work as well. Put a hard stop on work and any stressors that it could trigger. Unwind. Indulge in activities that you enjoy. This helps release happy hormones in the body, really calming your mind and body down, reducing activities that induce anxiety and sleep deprivation. The process of unwinding should last till you hit the bed. Read a book, light a candle, spray some lavender, and listen to your favorite music. You have to take the time to shut off your brain. Once this becomes a routine, your body will start to recognize these little rituals as signals that it’s time to get ready for sleep.
    2. Eat A Good Meal: There is nothing better than a good hearty meal. Not just before bedtime but throughout the day. A lack of quality nutrition can spike anxiety and stress. Make sure you eat nutritious meals and include foods rich in melatonin in your dinner. Even after a full meal, your body might still be hungry before you hit the bed. These hunger pangs may seem abnormal, but it is important to listen to your body. This could be your body’s cry for nutrients that it didn't get through the day. Certain foods like walnuts and almonds can satisfy hunger, give your body essential nutrients and even help you sleep better. Some adaptogens that help calm your mind and body down should also become a part of your daily diet.

    1. Go Tech-Free: Silence can be intimidating. Putting the phone away can feel like you have nothing to do. But using gadgets right before bedtime might be the most important contributor to insomnia and anxiety. Reading something sad or watching a video that instantly makes your heart sink can be triggering. Besides, the light from the phone prevents melatonin production in the body which is the root cause of all sleep issues. So put that phone away, read a book, meditate. Keep anything triggering at least 500 miles away from yourself.
    2. Eat plant-based supplements that help sleep: Sleepless nights are like a vicious cycle. You are stressed - you don't sleep - you have a horrible day - the stress and anxiety build - you don't sleep yet again. Thanks to a lack of focus on diets, supplementing has become important. That can give you more than foods today can - if made with the right quality and quantity of ingredients. Caim By arelang's Restore Your Sleep chocolate uses natural plant-based ingredients that boost natural melatonin production and calm your mind and body to help you sleep peacefully every night. Read more about these delectable candyceuticals here.

  1. Do a gratitude exercise: Each night before you go to bed make a list of all things you are grateful for each day. If someone smiled at you and you feel appreciated, write that down. Reading affirmations and good deeds boost serotonin production in the body, which in turn helps melatonin production. Say you can't think of anything good and are in a state of panic and are feeling anxious, it is best to dump all your feelings on paper. It can help expel negativity from the system and has the potential to make you feel better and sleep better.

We aren't saying you will sleep peacefully by just reading this blog and following it to the T. It is important to understand triggers, seek help where required and give yourself time and energy to slip into a routine and worry less. We hope you will look forward to these little steps to deal with nighttime anxiety and sleep restfully each night. If all else fails, you will always have a plant-based alternative as back up. Pop a delectable, dark chocolate ganache from your Restore your sleep box - we will always have your back!

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