Boost Collagen Naturally: Effective Skin Collagen Boosters

Boost Collagen Naturally: Effective Skin Collagen Boosters

This article has been researched and written by Arelang Naturals® in-house writers.

Collagen is what makes or breaks your skin. Quite literally. Collagen is a vital protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and youthfulness of your skin. As you age, your body's collagen production naturally declines, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and a loss of elasticity. However, there are various natural ways to boost collagen and promote healthy, vibrant skin.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, found not only in the skin but also in bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In the skin, collagen provides structural support, helping to maintain firmness and suppleness. There are different types of collagen, but Type I collagen is the most common in the skin, contributing to its strength and elasticity.

Collagen production is a complex process that involves various factors, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. As you age, collagen production naturally decreases, resulting in visible signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of skin elasticity.

What are fibroblast cells, and why are they important?

Did you know that your body is supposed to make its own collagen, through cells called fibroblasts? These cells are the most active and are able to therefore produce an abundance of collagen, especially during the growth stages of our life - say about the age of 25 years. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, including a decline in the number and activity of fibroblast cells. Some of these cells become dormant when not in use and are called fibrocytes. The active fibroblast cells now produce enough collagen that gives your body structural support, repairs cells, and tissues, and gives your body the ability to heal wounds etc. The basic stuff. This decline in collagen synthesis is one of the hallmark features of the ageing process, and it can result in a range of age-related changes in the body.

For instance, reduced collagen production in the skin can lead to wrinkles, sagging, thinning of the skin, reduced hair and nail growth, more brittle nails and poor nail health. Reduced collagen synthesis in bones can contribute to osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures. Similarly, decreased collagen production in tendons and ligaments can lead to a reduction in strength and flexibility. Not only does the quantity of collagen decrease, the quality of collagen produced by fibroblasts also decreases with age. Collagen fibres become less organised and more cross-linked, causing lesser elasticity and increased stiffness.

While the decline in fibroblast function and collagen production is a natural part of ageing, certain lifestyle factors can further accelerate this decline. For example, smoking, excessive sun exposure, and poor nutrition can all contribute to the ageing of fibroblast cells and further reduce collagen synthesis.

Ways to Boost Collagen

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a well-known natural remedy for various skin concerns. It contains compounds that support collagen production, making it a great addition to your skincare regimen. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants that help protect the skin from free radicals, which can break down collagen and lead to premature ageing.


Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb, has been used for centuries for its numerous health benefits. It also offers advantages for your skin. Ginseng contains phytonutrients that stimulate collagen synthesis and promote blood circulation to the skin. This increased blood flow delivers essential nutrients to skin cells, aiding in the production of collagen and maintaining a youthful complexion.


Ashwagandha contains phytonutrients that have calming properties that rejuvenate the body, induce peaceful sleep. It also controls depletion of collagen, smoothening fine lines and making your skin smooth and supple. Products like Caim by arelang's Replenish With Greens contain potent extracts of ashwagandha that help stimulate collagen production in the body.


Cilantro, a flavorful herb commonly used in cooking, is more than just a culinary delight. It contains vitamins and antioxidants that support collagen formation and protect the skin from oxidative stress. Incorporating cilantro into your diet or skincare routine can help boost collagen levels and maintain the skin's firmness and elasticity.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for collagen synthesis. It supports collagen by providing the necessary building blocks for the process. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens, can help enhance collagen production and contribute to healthier, glowing skin.

Conclusion: By adopting these natural methods and making them a part of your daily routine, you can effectively boost collagen production and promote youthful, radiant skin. Remember that consistency is key, and over time, you'll likely notice improvements in your skin's texture and appearance.



Incorporating collagen-boosting techniques into your skincare routine can make a significant difference in the health and appearance of your skin. Aloe vera, ginseng, cilantro, and vitamin C-rich foods are all powerful allies in promoting collagen production and maintaining skin elasticity. Embrace these natural solutions to defy the signs of ageing and enjoy the benefits of healthier, more youthful skin.

Other natural plant-based supplements like Replenish With Greens by Caim by årelang, green gummies made of the most potent extracts from green plants and veggies, that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help stimulate your fibrocytes and kickstart natural collagen production to ensure better hair, skin, nails, and joint health. Learn more about this exceptional product here and take a step closer to rejuvenating your skin naturally.

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