Get With It! Get Organised

Get With It! Get Organised


This article has been researched and written by Arelang Naturals® in-house writers.

Modern-day lifestyles, commitments, and hectic schedules have become a dark reality. “I can't find time for anything!” - a dialogue that haunts us all.

We all try - But the truth is that the day gives you only 24 hours of which 8 should ideally be spent sleeping. So how do we figure out how to make more time? No matter how many planners, diaries and scheduling apps you use, you end up right where you were pretty damn fast. That sets in motion, a stream of emotions - feeling overwhelmed, tired, anxious, stressed, and more. The most common feeling though, is the feeling of needing space. Space to find time to do things for yourself, spend time with family, and materialize your hopes and dreams. Space to think and most importantly to breathe.

Look at it this way, when we worry about the shortage of storage space in our homes, we immediately look for solutions to declutter and organize within the space we have. Just like that, there is a need to free up space in our daily lives. Declutter our schedules and refrain from trying to get it all done at once. It is easier than it sounds. Trust us.

Some of us have superb organizational skills. But not all of us have to be 'military organized' to have a better and stress-free life, and neither do all of us have these skills, so small changes, everyday go a long way.

Being organized and planning, however annoying it sounds, can help you feel less pressure and feel inspired and motivated - day on day. Here are a few tricks that work for us:

    1. Set aside time for self-care: This is literally the most important part of your day. Your body and mind need time to rejuvenate and recuperate. Make time for a morning and or an evening routine. We like morning routines that help you center yourself, give you time to reflect and declutter your mind. You cannot underestimate how productive your day becomes, when you just spend an hour of it every morning with your thoughts and things that bring you joy. Things you do for yourself. Set aside time for a good wholesome, and nutritious meal - start with breakfast! This is the only part of your day that is non-negotiable. If you do not have a body and mind that is fully functional, everything else in your day suffers.

    1. Make a checklist: The first on this checklist had to be this - Identify the things that need to be achieved on a particular day and during the week. List them all down mindlessly. That is downloading everything from your mind onto a sheet. The best time to do this might be on Sundays when you are relatively free and can plan your week.
    2. Prioritize: Once everything is down on paper, it's time to identify priorities. It might be great for you to take a step back and evaluate tasks that matter and need your time the most. These are the ones that will take your immediate attention. We like using Stephen Covey’s 4 quadrants approach to prioritizing tasks. Start with the most important task first.

  1. Set timelines: When you set realistic timelines against each task, you will finish it within the designated time. If you park more than the required hours, you will take more time to complete the job.
  2. Set A Goal: Set achievable goals and add them to your calendar. That is an important step. When you set a goal instead of a task on your calendar, you will be motivated to achieve it. For example, instead of adding work on my packaging, write - finish the first draft of the packaging as the goal.

Planning and organizing are more gratifying than you think. Try these little things at home and see how much time you free up for yourself. You will be less tired, stressed, and anxious day on day. Remember to set achievable goals during the week and learn to say NO. Do not overwork yourself. Stress is a big issue. The lesser you have, the healthier you will be.

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