Hair Protein: The One Thing You Need For Strong And Healthy Hair

This article has been researched and written by Arelang Naturals® in-house writers.
Proteins are widely referred to as the building blocks of the body and for good reason. Our muscles, arteries, fingernails, heart, brain, liver, and kidneys are all constructed of tissue composed primarily of protein. This includes our hair. Keratin is a protein that makes up almost all of our hair - so it is obvious that if you're lacking in protein you will be lacking in hair protein and you might start to see changes in your hair.
Keratin is also found in your internal organs and glands. It is a tough protein, therefore more resistant to scratching or tearing than other types of cells in your body. It is the hair protein that gives it its body, lustre, sheen, shine, and bounce. It keeps your crowning glory healthy and hydrated and ensures hair fall is at its bare minimum. Keratin or hair protein is at the very core of the million-dollar question:
How to strengthen hair?
The answer to this question is not as easy as you think. There appear to be two primary causes of hair loss: dietary causes and hereditary causes plus ailments like autoimmune diseases, hormonal fluctuations, thyroid, medical treatments, stress and more.
While hereditary causes are straightforward to understand, dietary causes can be more difficult and complex. An important point to note here is that the deficiency or excess of almost any vitamin or mineral may cause hair loss. Therefore, ensuring you eat a balanced diet, especially balanced in the right kind of nutrients and vitamins that your body needs, is crucial to strengthen hair.
It is essential to consume enough protein for hair growth and to strengthen hair because hair are composed mostly of protein. Proteins are macronutrients that you get from the food you eat. Protein rich foods like eggs, pulses, nuts, dairy, poultry, fish, soya etc when added to you diet, have adequate protein to supplement your daily needs. You may get all the protein you need for your daily requirements, but in order to convert these natural sources of protein into enzymes that your body can effectively use to build muscles, help hair growth and have healthy skin and scalp, you need micronutrients. If your body does not get enough micronutrients, the protein intake is in fact not effectively utilized. That’s when your hair follicles become one of the first functions to shut down in order to conserve the available nutrition. Result – hairfall!
A lack of micronutrients has been shown to hamper the functioning of fibroblast cells that aid hair growth amongst other functions. Fibroblast are the cells responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and promote hair and nail growth in the body, plus delay the signs of ageing. By the time you see the effects of hair protein deficiency, it may already be too late to improve your hair health. If you do not consume enough protein with the right micronutrients to help assimilate the protein, your hair will become dry, brittle, and weak. Diets lacking in micronutrients may result in restricted hair growth or even hair loss. To avoid this a good strong hair tip is to include fresh green leafy veggies in your diet as they promote fibroblasts in your body that help with the production of collagen, elastin, and support your scalp and produce more hair protein.
In addition to protein and micronutrients, there are other essential nutrients you need for hair growth. Iron is particularly important for hair, and too little iron is a major cause of hair loss. The hair follicle and root are fed by a nutrient-rich blood supply. When iron levels (serum ferritin) drop below a certain point, you may develop anaemia. This disrupts the nutrient supply to the follicle, interfering with the hair growth cycle and may cause shedding. Vitamin C aids the absorption of iron, so eat foods high in vitamin C in conjunction with iron-rich foods.
However, another great tip for strong hair is to avoid adding too much protein to your diet. Protein is essential, but when it's used in excess, it may increase hair fall and make the hair weaker than necessary. Eating a high-protein diet may cause your body to start producing excess protein.
It's common to experience protein build-up in your system from time to time. There are some symptoms that can help you determine when it's happening, including:
- Your hair will break more easily and your scalp may be visible more when wet
- Your hair feels like straw and is stiff
- Your hair is noticeably dry, lifeless, and brittle
- Dull and no shine in the hair
It's true that high-protein diets are effective in the short term. It has been shown to lead to weight loss and a reduction of fat, though in the longer term there may be some adverse effects.
Protein is an important part of anyone's diet, but it can be easy to take in more than what's necessary. In order to keep your body healthy, it is best to read the labels of your supplements and avoid over-supplementing.
The Arelang Gummies - Replenish with Greens and Replenish with Phytos are all-natural plant-based supplements provide the right micronutrients in the right quantities creating a balance that helps stimulate hair and reduce hair fall and nail growth. They help sustain the quality of your cells and thereby the quality of your hair and skin from within.
It is essential to identify hair loss and start eating and supplementing right. This is the number one tip to stop hair fall.
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