
Keeping Up With The Skinanigans (Part 1)

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body. Naturally, there’s more to keeping it in the right health than what goes skin deep!

Stressed? Busted!

Why do we get so stressed? And what makes people tell us not to stress? Why is stress such a problem? Well, it’s not always a problem.


New resolution to be healthy

Do not make losing weight and looking a certain way a priority. Instead, work towards a healthier version of yourself.

Food vs Supplements vs Man

Food is an essential part of our lives.

But can supplements do what food does? Can they completely replace food?

Sex after menopause! Yes, It can be fun!

Intimacy and sex can be great even after you cross your forties.

It’s just a few adjustments and tweaks and you are good to go.

Rekindle Cocoabars by arelang naturals

Ladies! Are your PMS symptoms out of wack - bloating, moodswings, pain? Well, let's start with being able to kiss goodbye to all these awful feelings goodbye!

Food and nutrition for better sleep and healthy life

Sleep is one of the most crucial factors in the algorithm of a healthy life.

One could say almost as important and vital as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

The Bitter Truth

So Betty bought some butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better. But did she make it better?