
Give your body a chance to do the job that it is meant to, by giving it the nutrients that diets fall short of. We started out with this thought and saw it to fruition. It is a fact that food gets digested and absorbed the best when it is enjoyed the most. So, from the day that we conceived the idea of our brand, we were pretty clear that we wanted to reimagine daily supplements and serve them in an absolutely delicious, fun and enjoyable format.

At the very core, we believe that humankind has specific deficiency-lead problems that can only be resolved with very specific nutrients in specific quantities - not more, not less. Synthetic vitamins and minerals in amounts that are not ideal can never be absorbed correctly by the body. They end up doing more harm than good. Therefore, at årelang®, we use all natural, plant-based ingredients in the exact quantities that your body can recognize, absorb and benefit from.

We believe in the power of trust and honesty to enrich lives. And we set out to create products that do just that, and we wanted our brand to be transparent, ethical, honest, well researched and backed by science.

Our research is so fundamentally sound, that our formulations have been created to be able to allow the body to optimally function the way it was meant to and here's how:

1. Using Ideal Micronutrients

There are two types of nutrients we get from foods; Macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats which are the body’s energy source and Micronutrients like Vitamins and Minerals which don’t provide calories but are equally important for healthy functioning of the body and are required in small amounts for normal cell growth. The food today gives you your carbs, proteins and fats, but micronutrients? Not so much.

2. Plant-based:

It is no myth that Plant-Based ingredients are highly bioavailable. But by using only plant based ingredients, it allows the body's processes to function optimally - the way the body was built to work. Let's use an example, if we were to make a sleep formulation, we would not be using direct Melatonin, instead, our formulation would provide ingredients that would boost the production of Melatonin in your body. Thereby allowing your body to work the way it is meant to work for that specific function.

3. Chemical and API free formulations:

We decided to not only keep our products completely chemical free and plant-based only, we have also spent a lot of our research, resources and time on the goodness of plant-based formulations and how they work to optimize the body's natural mechanism. You see, our bodies have been taught to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, bind them to the body’s receptors, complete their biological activity, metabolize them and finally excrete them out of the body.

4. The right quantity and quality of ingredients:

One of the main fundamentals of our research was how much of these nutrients does the body actually absorb? What we got from the years of research on some of the nutrients, is that micronutrients are absorbed in micro as in very less quantities. What happens to the excess nutrients and how does this excess impact your health? We found an answer to the question.

5. Confectionery:

It's a documented fact that the body will absorb more nutrients from the foods that it enjoys the most. A huge part of the mechanism of digestion is in response to signals sent by the brain of the way food looks, tastes, the brain is more eager to send messages to digest it, getting the entire digestive tract producing the enzymes and juices it needs for the food it's about to receive. The best way to see this function is how the salivary glands go berserk when delicious food is placed in front of you. You can feel the saliva because it is in the mouth - the body responds in the same way through the rest of the digestive tract as well. Digestion just got a whole lot easier!

6. Highly Potent Ingredients:

Our research shows that the body can absorb only a very small quantity of micro nutrients from the food we eat each day. We have been able to successfully quantify the amount of micronutrients the body is able to effectively absorb. We took this quantity, upped the dose just a little more and used the most potent form of bioactives we could find for the function we wanted. If it's little our body needs, we said, let's make the little count.

7. The Right Supplies:

Finding the right suppliers was as important as identifying the right formulation. What our formulations demanded was not readily available with all the extract manufacturers. So we had to get most of our bioactives specifically manufactured for our formulation.We have partnered with some of the best extract manufacturers in India, who work with us to give us the bioactives that we are looking for in the right quantity, potency and quality. Ingredients specifically made for us so we could provide our formulations with the best!

8. Result Oriented

All our products, from the ingredients we receive to the final product have been tested for safety, their actions individually and collectively in the formulation, have been clinically proven, and we have run several focus group studies using over 100 volunteers on each product before launching the products. Since our products are plant based, we needed to be absolutely confident on how they would work on different demographics across India. And we were! The results have been remarkably close and in some cases higher than our expectations.


Arelang Naturals® has partnered with the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT, Mumbai), formerly known as the University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT) for our extensive research and formulation development. Working closely with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, every formulation has been carefully developed through a precise scientific approach, in vitro studies and quality and assay driven tests for each ingredient we have used in our products.

Our research has been pioneered by Dr. Cyrus Naterwalla, Mrs. Nikita Naterwalla along with the renowned Dr. Kirti S. Laddha of the ICT, who has a several research publications, patents and accolades to his name, and years of accomplishment in the fields of Pharmacognosy, Advanced Pharmacognosy and Natural products for flavours and fragrances.