
If you've been wondering what vitamins, minerals and micronutrients are important for your body, this is your answer. 

The best way to be healthy, get better hair, skin and nails is eating the right food. 

As the connection between diet and sleep becomes increasingly clear, adopting a sleep-supportive diet can be a valuable strategy for improving overall sleep quality.

Discover the ultimate Ayurvedic herbs for hair growth! Experience the power of Indian herbs for hair regrowth. Transform your hair care with Ayurveda.

Modern-day lifestyles and stressors majorly impact testosterone levels as you age. An imbalance of this hormone leads to many problems including, and not restricted to stress, lower libido, low stamina, and energy. 
Sleeping well is more important than you think. The food you eat changes the way you sleep. Here's a deep dive into the best food for sleep and the things to keep in mind for knock out sleep.
As we age, our libidos start dwindling. No, it is not a problem. It is normal and happens to all of us. It is not because you aren't attracted to your partner or you lost your mojo. Modern-day lifestyles are definitely to blame.