Here's what you should eat.

Here's what you should eat.


This article has been researched and written by Arelang Naturals® in-house writers.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects 1 in 10 women, however, it is still often misdiagnosed or misunderstood, making many women suffer in silence. Yes, we are talking to you. All you women who think putting up with the pain is normal and a must-do. The mood swings, the pain, the stray hair on the face, the bloat, and the endless feeling of being overwhelmed. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ‘DEAL’ with it!

The triggers around us are plenty. Stuck in bad traffic, a tiff with a friend, watching sad news, an argument with your partner, an impending deadline at work, the list goes on, and the adrenaline keeps pumping in overdrive. But the biggest trigger? A lack of good quality nutrition. Now, those of you who have been reading our blogs will exclaim that we link everything and every problem we have to the lack of nutrition. But it is a fact, 90% of your problems - whether physical, mental or emotional, compound further when your body suffers a lack of nutrition.

Although it might be an impossible task to get rid of the mighty red monster, we can heal our moods and pains a lot better with good quality nutrition. (see how we always tell you - nothing a good meal can’t fix).

Whether you have just been diagnosed with PCOS or have been dealing with your condition for years, or you haven't yet been diagnosed but are suffering all the symptoms, here are some of the foods to eat that can help you manage PCOS better.

Leafy Greens

Here’s a lesser-known fact. 80% of women who suffer from PCOS are deficient in B vitamins. No matter what diet you are on, green leafy veggies are always a good call. They are nutrient-rich and low in calories and help with PCOS. Veggies like kale, spinach, and others contain high levels of vitamin B compounds, especially vitamin B6 and folate (B9). Guess who needs to have two bowls of greens? YOU do. But we know how much all of us hate to chomp down on bowls of salad, and we also know that the nutrient content in today’s veggies is not half of what they are intended to give - so here's a quick fix - Replenish with Green gummies and our Rekindle for Women Phytoestrogenic chocolate bars are here to rescue the blues


Omega-3 is the perfect nutrient to help work on your body’s imbalances. If you are diagnosed with PCOS this should be on the top of your shopping list. Omega-3 not only works to improve your eyesight but also helps control stress levels and reduce inflammation. Seafood, especially, salmon, is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you are a vegetarian, you must supplement the lack of Omega-3 and there are ample substitutes to fish sourced Omega 3, like leafy greens, seaweed, algae oil, flax seeds, and soy. Always remember to read labels when you buy supplements. Opt for those that are natural and use the right quantity and quality of nutrients. Check out the ingredients in our Replenish with Greens gummies, and our Rekindle for Women Phytoestrogenic chocolate bars to help point you in the right direction.

Pulses (Beans, Lentils, and Peas)

Love them or hate them, pulses are one of the healthiest staples you would come across in an Indian kitchen. Pulses include beans, lentils, and peas. While the fiber present in them can aid digestion and control blood sugar levels, the plant protein present in them is extremely healthy for vegans and vegetarians. They can also help boost weight loss. Eating a diet rich in pulses is an effective lifestyle move for women suffering from PCOS. A nice bowl of healthy daal or salad preparation with pulses is what you should be aiming for, every day.

Dark Chocolate

The high magnesium content in dark chocolate helps relax your muscles and ease menstrual cramps. It is not a myth, but indeed a fact worth the hype. Not only does dark chocolate help relieve PCOS symptoms, but it also has a host of other benefits that we’ve discussed in our blog here.

Baring these, there is a host of natural plant-based ingredients that help manage PCOS better:

  • Flaxseed: a seed with phytoestrogens that is rich in Omega 3 and 6
  • Shatavari: a root that promotes estrogen production
  • Soy Isoflavones: a compound found in soybeans that promotes estrogen production

We don't mean to get you overwhelmed. It is not humanly possible for us to eat all of these things in a day to help our bodies recover. This is why supplements exist. To give the body the love that it needs.

Giving your body time to reflect on the changes is very important. At the end of the day, it’s not just about one particular food or diet but rather a lifestyle change that will help you manage your PCOS symptoms better. Be patient with your body, it has been coping with changes every decade of your existence. Start supplementing it with the right things and continue to make adjustments to the way you eat as you figure out how it makes you feel.

Until next time, Happy Healthy Eating!!

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